Project Portfolio

School and Personal Projects

School Status

I completed my masters degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at UCLA with a specialization in circuits and embedded systems.

Personal Projects

DJI Tello Drone Control and Facial Recognition

UCLA School Projects

Master Degree: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Focus: Embedded Systems and Machine Learning

UCLA Projects

Tele-Operation ML User Character Prediction Algorithm
Oculus Virtual Reality Smart Device Controller
Hand Written Number Classification Accelerator Hardware
Note App and Study Recommendation Tool

University of Wisconsin School Projects

Bachelors Degree: Biomedical/Electronic Engineering
Focus: Electrical Instrumentation, Minor in Physics

UW Projects

Laser Diode Neutrophil Counter Prototype
Bone Graft Bioreactor Controls System
Biofilm Quantification Platform
Biofilm Capillary Channel Grey image (Left) and quantified cell image depicting individual cells quantified in color (Right).

Professional Experience

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